Khadirarishta – Uses, Side
Effects, Ingredients And Dose
खादिरारिष्ठा क्या है क्या कामं करता है |
Khadirarishta is a liquid Ayurvedic medicine. It is also known by the terms
khadirarishtam and Khadirarisht.
Khadirarishtam contains 5 – 10 % of self generated alcohol in it. This
self generated alcohol and the water present in the product acts as a media to
deliver water and alcohol soluble the active herbal components to the body.
Khadirarishta uses: Khadirarishta is widely used in the
treatment of skin diseases.
It is used in the treatment of –
Mahakushta – all types of chronic skin diseases including leprosy.
Hrudroga – cardiac disorders – It is a good heart tonic
Panduroga – anemia, early stage of liver disorders
Arbuda – tumors
Gulma – Abdominal tumor
Granthi – cysts
Krumi – intestinal worms, wound with infection
Kasa – cough
Shwasa – Asthma, dyspnoea
Pleeha – splenomegaly
Udara – Ascites
Khadirarishta dose:
12 – 24 ml. one or two times a day, usually advised after food.
If needed, it can be mixed with equal quantity of water.
Diet and lifestyle restrictions for maximum benefits:
Avoid excess spicy foods, spicy pickles, direct exposure to afternoon bright
sun and alcohol.